Reference projects

Spoil management

Drilling jumbo
Drilling jumbo
Cavern construction: project Linthal 2015
Cavern construction: project Linthal 2015

B+ G disposes of a 20 years experience in the fields of spoil management (SM) and concrete technology. B+ G was or is involved in the following large spoil management projects:

  • AlpTransit Lötschberg, Northern and southern section (1996 - 2003): preliminary clarifications, SM concept, call for tender, raw material and aggregate controls, planning assistance for SM and concrete technology
  • AlpTransit Gotthard, Section Erstfeld, Amsteg, Sedrun, Faido, Bodio (1994 - 2014): preliminary clarifications, SM concept, call for tender, raw material and aggregate controls, planning assistance for SM and concrete technology
  • AlpTransit Ceneri, (1999 - 2016): preliminary clarifications, SM concept, call for tender, raw material and aggregate controls, planning assistance for SM and concrete technology
  • Koralmbahn, (2000 - 2002): preliminary clarifications, planning assistance for SM
  • Nant de Drance, (pumped storege plant 2006-2007): preliminary clarifications, SM concept
  • Project Linthal 2015, (pumped storege plant, from 2007): preliminary clarifications, SM concept, call for tender, raw material and aggregate controls, planning assistance for SM and concrete technology
  • Lyon-Turin Ferroviaire, (from 2005): preliminary clarifications, planning assistance for SM and concrte technology
  • Barage Les Toules, (dam strengthening of dam, 2009): raw material and aggregate technology, planning assistance for SM
  • NAGRA, National cooperative for the disposal of radioactive waste, (from 2010): preliminary clarifications, SM concept
  • DISS. ETHZ Nr. 19451, Christoph Bärtschi (2011); referee: Kieselkalke der Schweiz: Charakterisierung eine Rohstoffs aus geologischer, petrographischer, wirtschaftlicher und umweltrelevanter Sicht.

Concrete technology

Concrete dam
Concrete dam
Fresh concrete properties (residual slump)
Fresh concrete properties (residual slump)

C. Thalmann works as concrete expert (planning assistance) for the following large construction sites:

  • AlpTransit Lötschberg
  • AlpTransit Gotthard
  • AlpTransit Ceneri
  • Project Linthal 2015


B+ G advises numerous gravel and concrete plants relative to concrete and aggregates.

Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR)

C. Thalmann was part of two AAR working groups that published the followinf fact sheets:

  • SIA-Merkblatt 2042: "Vorbeugung von Schäden durch die Alkali-Aggregat-Reaktion (AAR) bei Betonbauten"
  • cemsuisse (2005): "Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR) in Switzerland"


B+ G advises project managers of national roads and undergraound engineering agencies about concrete technology and AAR resistant concrete:

Maintenance and follow-up of buildings

Non-destrctive measurements on a retaining wall
Non-destrctive measurements on a retaining wall
Refection of concrete pillars
Refection of concrete pillars

B+ G carries out condition analyses of numerous different concrete structures and buildings with competent partners using different non-destructive meausurements techniques such as residual potential measurement. These analyses are carried in cooperation with our partner laboratory Transgeo AG.


B+ G participated to the following projects:

  • Oberingenieurkreis I, (from 1999) canton of Bern: Residual potential measurements, condition analyses, non-destructive measurements of 231 reatining wall elements (total length: 1'525 m), action plan, rehabilitation concept
  • Abteilung Nationalstrassen (from 2004) canton of Bern: Diverse concrete structures such as bridge elements and retaining walls: Residual potential measurements, condition analyses
  • Atel Rete SA (2005): power pylons at Laco di Sta-Maria (Lukmanier pass): condition analyses, concrete concept and planning assistance